1040: Christianity in the New Asia Movie Cover

1040: Christianity in the New Asia

NR, 2010, Vision Video


Evan Leong


Jaeson Ma, MC Hammer, Mike Bickle, MC Jin, Van Ness Wu


Artist and minister Jaeson Ma takes us on an explosive journey through countries in the '10/40 Window'- a region between 10 and 40 degrees north of the equator - including China, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Singapore and Indonesia. Through incisive observations, intimate interviews with prominent leaders and celebrities, and powerful, never-before-heard stories, 1040 dynamically explores a part of our globe that is now nothing less than the frontier of world Christianity.


Leaders discuss Asia's end time prominence

Themes: Evangelism, Influence, Missions, Prophecy, Revival, Spiritual Warfare


Animated short on Asia's religious history

Themes: Culture, Good vs Evil, History, Idolatry, Religion, Sin, Temptation


Easter Sunday at City Hall in Seoul, Korea

Themes: Christianity, Church, Community, Evangelism, Influence, Revival


Asian celebrity infatuation and "suicide clubs"

Themes: Fame, Foolishness, Idolatry, Suicide, Teen Issues, Youth


Church's radical all night Wednesday service

Themes: Church, Holy Spirit, Revival, Seeking God


Asian-American rapper MC Jin's testimony

Themes: Christian Walk, Destiny, Fame, God's Intervention, Obedience, Self-Sacrifice, Temptation


Taiwan pop-star pledges sexual abstinence

Themes: Abstinence, Christian Walk, Fame, Lust, Sex, Teen Issues, Temptation, Transformation


Youth crusades of dynamic Indonesian pastor

Themes: Deliverance, Evangelism, God's Intervention, Ministers, Passion, Reconciliation, Revival, Seeking God


Girl has evil-spirit cast out at youth crusade

Themes: Bondage, Deliverance, Holy Spirit, Freedom, Demons, Good vs Evil, Ministers, Prayer Answered

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